B2B Integration
B2Bgrid offers a Cloud- based platform for B2B Integration & Communities providing any business -
from small companies to large multinational corporations - the ability to trade electronically and
to give employees acces online to relevant supply chain information.
B2Bgrid provides companies and their trading partners in the supply chain with the right tools
to automate manual processes regardless of the company’s size or industry.
We offer following solutions / modules to our customers:
B2Bgrid Xchange
The B2Bgrid Xchange module is the heart of our platform that powers integration processes. There are five main global building blocks: connectivity (http(s), email, FTP, AS1, AS2, AS3, VAN GXS, X400, …), messaging (EDI, XML, flat file, csv, …), business process automation, security and administration, track & tracing.
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B2Bgrid eArchive
The B2Bgrid eArchive module helps our customers maintain compliance to legal eArchiving requirements.
We archive electronic documents for ten years; respect confidentiality, integrity, authentication,
availability and non-repudiation and allow online access to these documents in a viewable format.
B2Bgrid Webforms
The B2Bgrid Webforms module is a 100% browser-based service that lets you quickly comply with your trading partners’ requirements. Exchange master data, purchase orders, invoices, advance shipment notices and more.
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B2Bgrid Business Intelligence
The B2Bgrid Business Intelligence module provides reporting capabilities that deliver our customers aggregated information on their supply chain data. The solution offers standard and configurable reporting, so employees of our customers have access to their relevant data and KPI’s.
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B2Bgrid Communities
The B2Bgrid Communities module allows our customer to build a community network via a cloud B2B platform. We not only streamline and automate business processes that are critical to your company’s success, but you will also be able to interact electronically with the relevant people within your supply chain.
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